
How do people read in Mexico?

The pleasure of opening a new book, smelling the pages and starting to devour word by word the first page is simply beyond description.

Reading is an activity that generates many benefits and no evil. It helps to amplify your horizons, learn about distant cultures and traditions in time and space, and expand the general knowledge of a person.

That is why it is recommended to read, the more you can better, but in Mexico it is not an activity that is done with the desired frequency, at least not in comparison to the countries where the world reads the most.

According to studies such as the one made by the contact lens company Feel Good, made in the Pew Research Center, Mexicans reads on average 5 hours a week, a very low figure compared to India, the country where people read the most in the world, with 10.42 hours per week.

It´s interesting to know that the first places on the list do not correspond to fully developed countries, they are emerging countries such as Thailand (9.2 hours), China (8 hours) or Philippines (7.3 hours ).

Mexico is positioned 25th, which is not bad but can be improved by generating reading habits. 

These numers give reasons to worry, because it has been indicated that more than 97% of Mexicans can read and write, even in a very basic way.

Reading is one of the most beneficial activities for the human, and in Mexico the habit of reading must improve in order to position itself among the best in the world in this area, and for Mexicans to have a more culture.

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